Friday, December 19, 2008

Please, no

Considering it's not officially winter, I'm really not thrilled with what the weatherman threw our way today.

Oh sure we heard the winter storm warning last night and yes, we knew there would be more than a dusting but really was THIS necessary.

I had been expecting my sister and two of my nieces for a nice pre-Christmas tea this afternoon. I was going to hand over the presents for under their tree. The presents I rushed and wrapped yesterday. I was even going to serve my homemade shortbread. I will be giving you the recipe eventually.

Oh well we have a few more days to get together before the 25th and with any luck the second wave of snow won't happen. HA I laugh

The first photo is of Paul. He waited til the worse was over than headed out. Some of the drifts where past his knees. I stayed inside because my boots are short and someone had to take pictures.

It's amazing how well my camera works through the front window.

The second photo is our neighbour Don . He had gone out before the major portion of the storm hit and found he couldn't get his van all the back into his driveway and that was after a long slow drive home. Thankfully he has a blower too.

That just leaves photo #3. This is our neighbour Dave. He doesn't have a snow blower. Not to worry, Paul went over and cleared his front sidewalk and helped clear his driveway.

Now I will make at nice warm dinner and serve it with a hearty helping of Irish to warm Paul up.


Kathleen said...

Oh, no, indeed! We've been inundated with some "weather" this past week too. While the snow ended here on Monday, up the road it started on Tuesday and has snowed a little every day. My two brothers-in-law are out today with tractor and plow attachment, doing their good deeds for the neighborhood. We don't have new snow here, but the old is frozen solid. It's been COLD. And according to the weatherman, a new storm will hit our coast tomorrow. I'll let you know when it's on it's way to you!
Such a shame about the tea. That was a lovely idea.


More coming our way on Sunday with little flurries adding more through til the 25th.
At least today it's sunny and the snow is still shiny and white. We are having lovely freezing temps. as well.

Tracey said...

For a manic second there I was wondering why he was trying to mow in all that snow. ;)

You will certainly be having a white christmas then won't you. Couldn't be more opposite than here.

Kathleen said...'s two days later....we have 12+ inches of snow now. It snowed all day yesterday, and 6 hours today. The bare trees are encased in ice, and we've lost several plantings. It has warmed to 30F, which feels like a heat wave after 20. We are to get another 3-8 inches tonight. And more tomorrow. And the day after.
You are forewarned!
Merry Christmas!