Friday, July 4, 2008

another one

Paul's pick. I asked him if it was the label that attracted him. I should have known better. It was the price, although he did say he liked some French beer and wanted to try this one.

Guess it's all about marketing but the label does seem a bit much. Could this be a play on the I Am Canadian ads?

It reads: BORIS My values are those of a generation that has taken control of its existence and future. I pledge allegiance to only one flag. My own.
The Alsatian Flask.

It was a soft beer. No harshness, similar to some light beers I've liked. If they don't raise the price he probably will buy this one again.

this has been a second test and I'm getting faster


Jayne said...

It's rather eye-catching!
Don't think we have many imaginative beer labels here but I could be wrong (I don't drink, so I don't look).
I'll have a look tomorrow ;)


The French are even coming up with new wine names and labels .. having to counter all the new wines from places like Canada and Aust. ( and other lesser places as well *grin* ) Some are quite pun-ny.