Thursday, February 1, 2007

Elizabeth natters

Ever notice how the r in FebRuary gets missed. Common usage seems to be to drop it in speech so perhaps we should revise the spelling.

Hello, my name is Febuary and I've been reduced.

Wouldn't that be nice. Drop a letter or two in your name and get the thrill of your life next time you step on the scale. Wonder how many pounds I could drop if I became Lizbet? Probably none.

I'm not likely going to diet and so far my gym visits haven't made much difference on my body size or weight, but I do feel better.

The sun is shining. Snow is melting. Once my drier buzzes I'll empty it, put things away and head out to the library.

Perhaps I'll stop at the grocery store and buy more croissants. I'm a sucker for things on sale and boy are they good with Brandy Infused Strawberry and Orange Jam.

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