Friday, February 9, 2007

I still give a darn

This is my sock.

There is a hole in the toe of my sock.

Under the sock is my darning egg. The lovely wooden one I have had for years.

This is me darning my sock.

I use a contrasting but pleasing colour thread so the darn will show.

Why do work if it goes unnoticed.

I only darn important socks.

This sock went to England and to France with its mate.

I like these socks.

Does anyone else still darn?

Probably not.


Tracey said...

I don't know how to darn! There have been a few occasions when I wish I knew. Perhaps if I'd had an 'egg', I could have...


Oh goodie a project.

I'll draw a picture, visuals are so much easier,then photo it.

A reason to add something to my blog!!!! *laugh*

Lib1 said...

It's a skill this ham-fisted needle woman seems to have grown up with. There are three things that I can do: knit, darn, and sew on a button. Of course I avoid it all I can, but sometimes if one of my family comes to me with a treasured garment with a hole, I get out my trusty egg after a half hour or so search, and off I go.
It must be an age thing, I think Tracey. I don't think that I have trained either of my daughters to do it and Iz is a competent needlewoman, unlike her mother.

Karen Shanley said...

I never could figure out how to do it without a big stitching wad ending up annoying my foot where I had darned.

Would love to have you offer some tips... :)