Saturday, May 22, 2010


The late afternoon sun can make pretty patterns on my door when it shines through the glass door nob

so I set my camera to suppressed flash and managed to capture some images.

Even kitchen tools can become art.

The garden is in with only some thyme to buy. One for inside and one to add to the rosemary and basil that are already set between the tomato plants and in pots at the back door.

I picked up a package of purple basil seeds to try and planted those along with some left over summer savory seeds from last year.

Apparently my clever idea of adding shiny CD discs has failed to keep the squirrels or possibly chipmunks out of my pots. I foresee the possibility of a summer sweeping dirt off the patio and repacking soil around roots. I have my thinking cap on. I intend to win.

We took a good long walk on Tuesday and covered approx. 9km at a leisurely pace. Once we started on the trail we just kept going. Next time I will take my camera.

We live near the edge of the escarpment: The Niagara Escarpment in Hamilton is a vertical wall of limestone, sandstone and shale that runs through southern Ontario from western New York to the Wisconsin/Illinois border. The Hamilton portion, in many places 100 m (330') tall, is commonly referred to as "the Mountain" by locals. On average the Hamilton Mountain is 4-5 km inland from the Lake Ontario shoreline and at its edge affords some spectacular views of the city and harbour... and can easily access walking/biking trails. ( from wiki )

Yesterday morning we took the car back to the body shop to find out why, after an almighty crack while driving, the front bumper was pulling away from the light housing. A clamp had failed and they are ordering a new one and will replace it next week. In the afternoon the car had an oil and filter change, Paul cut the grass and I did laundry and washed the kitchen floor.

Now that the sun has returned after a morning of much need rain it's time to visit the library and the grocery store.


Leenie said...

You can buy time? Where! ;)

The shots of the doorknob light is magical. I thought you had been playing with some fancy photo editing at first. Sounds like a fine place you have to walk. Yes, next time we want to see photos. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

You definitely have an eye for photography E. Bit of genetic stuff going on there I reckon!

jeanie said...

I am in garden envy. Sigh.