Sunday, August 30, 2009


I didn't reach I called the doctor.

As I've aged and become more active ( joining a gym after I turned 60 ) my boobs have become a liability. My older, smaller breasted, sister always said I'd pay the price for my size.
My family doctor referred me to a reconstructive/plastic surgeon and after the being measured, assessed and documented the paperwork went into the Ontario government health plan to see if I qualified for breast reduction.
After 18 months ( the typical wait is 2 years ) I have full approval and will be going into hospital on Tuesday, September 1st for my surgery.
I won't end up with a perky 18 year old set but I will be able to buy less industrial size/expensive bras, I should start enjoying summers without sweat rashes and I am looking forward to the weight off my shoulders.
I'm a little scared and a little excited.

How to prepared for an overnight in hospital and some restricted arm movement:

Wash everything in the laundry baskets. done
Iron all shirts. done
Put fresh linen on the beds. to do on Monday
Clean the bathroom and put out fresh towels. to do on Monday
Wash the kitchen floor. done
Dust and vacuum. done
Stock the fridge and freezer with easy meals. done
Get lots of reading material in. done
Get lots of chocolate in. done
Get hair cut nice and short. done
Instruct hubby on reserving latest DVD's at the library first day of new month. done

I'll let you know how it all works out as soon as I am back at the computer.


Leenie said...

Oh Elizabeth,
Best wishes with your time in the hospital and your recovery! It sounds like you are well prepared, though I would move chocolate up the list a bit. I hope when you can move enough to type you will let us know how you are doing. My good thoughts and concerns go with you.

Rootietoot said...

Wow, best wishes! I have a friend who had that done. Recovery took a while but she is SO happy with the results. I went with her to buy her first ever set of bra and panties that was pretty. Take it easy, don't overdo it, and don't mistake feeling better for being able to lift a basket of laundry. And remember, blogs are for whining when you need to, right? Right.