Monday, August 18, 2008

Day - 34 second to last full day

Bit of a slow start this morning.
Connected with Claire, a semi-relative and arranged to meet for lunch, took long hot showers to ease the slight muscle awareness from the hike yesterday and then took our last walk to the liquor store to return bottles and cans and to the grocery for the last milk we will need.

Spinnakers Brew Pub

We had hoped to eat on the patio overlooking the water but the weather has turned cloudy and damp as well as handing us a major temperature drop.
The restaurant was on our visit list so it worked out perfectly. It was nice that Robin, Paul's cousin Libby's daughter was able to join us. We had missed seeing Libby on Salt Spring Island as she had headed east on her own holiday.

Paul tried and approved of one of their brews and I brought home some fudge that will go nicely with our coffee this evening.

We stopped on the way home to return the last of the library books, it was a handy having it available, and I know Paul will miss it's great car section and all the magazines.

I've been running packing ideas through my head: Will the dirty laundry all fit in one bag? Will I have enough room for the things I bought here? How much extra can I jam in Paul's carry on?,
and I've been making a list of things to do so that we leave Emily's place as we found it.

It's hard to believe that our time here is almost over. Thankfully I have lots of photos and this blog to help me keep track of our days. We have seen a lot. We have done a lot. We've had a great time.

1 comment:

Jayne said...

Wow, almost over already?
I've enjoyed your holiday with you via the blog posts (now that sounds weird lol).