Well the bathroom is done and everything put away - neatly. I am aiming to keep it that way. The sink top was returned and installed 20 minutes before our weekend guest arrived on Saturday. There are still some finishing touches to be done, but I'm not in a rush. I'd rather get it right than just get it done.

We took our Australian friend to Niagara Falls on Sunday. A tad bit cooler than he's used to but I'm sure he appreciated the view.

We even arranged for a rainbow.

To finish off the day we visited a souvenir shop. Everyone needs to take home at least one tacky item. I was thrilled to find the piggy bank cousin to add to my collection. Each one has a coin inside from the year purchased. They make me smile as I pass them on the stairs and each triggers happy memories.
Your beautiful pigs gave me a smile too!
The bathroom looks good.
The bathroom was great! The sink looked like it'd been there for days, not minutes.
Thanks so much for putting me up for the night, feeding me, beering me, transporting me, tour guiding me, and entertaining me for the weekend Betty, Paul & Stephen. I truly had a wonderful time and will forever have happy (if cold!) memories of my trip to Canadia.
The scarf & gloves I bought in that shop have become invaluable.
Can't wait to come back and visit again, or for you to visit us in Downunderland!
oh, those piggy banks are just adorable!!
Love the pigs!
Jebus - You call it Canadia too! I always get really odd looks when I call it that.
Well Canadia is its proper name, calling it Canada is just plain silly.
Love the pigs! And the bathroom looks super. Congrats on getting it DONE.
Well Canadia is its proper name, calling it Canada is just plain silly.
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