Friday, June 15, 2007

Bow down before me

I cleaned. Cleaned things that won't be noticed.

Why you asked?

Because I could
Because I am content knowing it's done even if nobody pats me on the back.

( which makes you wonder why I'm blogging about it........well a girl does need some recognition )

I think it might have something to do with all my extra energy because this isn't a gym day and because the weather is lovely and I have windows and doors open and because I have the house to myself so I can play all the music I like, loud.

There is however no dinner.


Michelle said...

Consider your brilliance in cleaning recognised!

I have to clean tomorrow. Yay Sunday. Not.

Tracey said...

Can you send me over some of that cleaning imperative. I could do with some!

shishyboo said...

all hail the great cleaning goddess from over the waves.

we shall write your name in our dust (hee hee hee) we are not worthy

Tracey said...

LOL Shishy!!

Michelle said...

That was brilliant, Shish.


I have often said that cleaning isn't worth doing until you can write in the dust.

I like to see the before and after so I know that I've done something.

Kathleen said...

Isn't it amazing how a bright sunny day can motivate us to clean? Here in Washington...on the coast...bright sunny days don't happen all that often. Hence the great amount of dust on everything around here......


I guess you have all noticed that no matter how often you clean, dust returns. It's like doesn't stay done!

or grocery shopping
or feeding the family