Friday, March 30, 2007

if I only had a brain

I've started a list off there on the right side.

A book list.

The books I've read.

If I could figure out how to add links so you could find reviews on the books I would, but I can't. I tried. I failed.

Seeing as I only finish books I like you won't be subjected to my ....started but didn't finish list...
although I could start a new spot for those.

Nope that's probably going a step too far.


Michelle said...

What was The Libertine like? I've been wanting to see that for ages.


We liked it. You really have to pay attention. Words are a major part of the story.

Visually dark and that helps to fit the tone.

Glad I saw it.

It didn't get wide play here and I wonder if it was because of the subject and the sexual content. We Canadians can be prudish....our censor board has seen to that.

Depp was briliant.