Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Talking in circles

Is that similar to speaking in tongues?

Me: I was thinking we should go to the nine something movie.

Him: Sounds good.

Me: Before you finish the paper, check the movie times.

Him: Ok

Me: I think the early show was sometime after 6. It might work if we have an early dinner.

Him: Mmmm

----rustle of paper as it gets folded and put away-----

Me: So, what are the movies times?

Him: I thought you knew.

Me: No, I wanted to check.

Him: You said you knew

Me: No, That's why we needed to check.

Him: I thought you had.

Me: No, I asked while you were reading the paper.

Him: You said you knew.

Me: Just hand me the paper and I'll check.

We are going to the 6:50 show, or as he insists on saying........the 10 to 7.


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