Thursday, September 2, 2010

Into September

the cherry tomatoes continue

the raspberries are finishing

some flowers remain on the lavender

while others have gone to seed


Jayne said...

I'm hoping to have some of those 'matoes in my garden sometime soon...if only the sun would stay out from behind the clouds for more than 2 seconds lol.

Erica (Irene) said...

Love your pictures.....I have a ton of them lil' cherry tomatoes. I've been handing them out to neighbours. I'm from TO where are you from?

Erica (Irene) said...

Thanks for your comment on my Blog......yes you are close to me.I sometimes go to hamilton but not often but have recently because My younger brother last year bought Channel 11 (CHCH)in Hamilton.
I like your Blog and your pictures.....:-)