Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's not always easy

When I started here I thought it would be fairly easy to post everyday, but it's not and I have to wonder if you want to know that:

-I hollered and yelled and threw a complete hissy fit the other day, stormed out of the house and walked a few blocks still simmering over a pile of Stephen's credit card receipts. Why do I have to find homes for everything?

-I was glad to go to the gym on Thursday even though there was no class instructor because Paul spilled his orange juice and I didn't want to help clean up. He really made a mess!

-I had some Gorgonzola at lunch today and have not added it to my favourite cheese list.

-I feel mad/sad/annoyed that I don't seem to be able to win the lottery especially on Saturdays when the travel section comes out in the paper.

-I noticed a few grey hairs in my left eyebrow.

-I really would like to find a pair of blue jeans that fit well.


Jayne said...

You need a day to indulge in hot chocolate, feet up, a good book on your lap and a favourite movie on the telly.

Kathleen said...

Okaaaay....perhaps you have a bit of the winter blues....or, you are totally justified in being irritated at the men in your life! As for the blue jeans...Coldwater Creek's "Shape Me" jeans are a nice fit for me, and very comfortable.
Other than that, I agree with "Jayne"s comments above.


I might just need a day at the mall wander in and out of stores.

I like to look and touch and admire my ability not to spend. *grin*

jeanie said...

It is hard to post when the day is the doldrums - sounds like you had one of them.

Might I suggest Haloumi?


Now that's a name I've never seen Jeanie.
I do like goat cheese..I have an herb wrapped variety in my fridge at the moment.

Once the weather improves enough for a nice outdoor wander we are going to visit a cheese shop in the little town next door and do some sampling.

jeanie said...

Haloumi cheese is wonderful!!! Find some and have a day that is wonderful!!!! Grilled or raw, its choice.