Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Call me crazy

...but I did go to the Boxing Day sales at the mall.
I needed something to do and Paul wouldn't let me start de-decorating the house so I went shopping.
I pulled into the first open spot I saw, not bothering to even try to find anything any where within shouting distance of a door.
It was crowded, but people were smiling
There were great discounts, but there was a lot of pure junk.

I started my Christmas shopping for 2008.

Recent viewing:

The Place Promised in Our Early Days here Anime. Takes some thinking about. Interesting

Silent Hill here Only watched bits of it. Made more sense once I learned it was based on a game. Some filmed in my city.

The White Countess here . I would have enjoyed it more if Ralph Fiennes had used a different American accent.

The Gift here. I enjoyed it. Scared me a few times.


Axis here by Robert Charles Wilson. Sequel to Spin, mentioned earlier this month. It was interesting enough to hold my attention although at times I just wanted it to wrap up and end.

1 comment:

jeanie said...

Okay, Elizabeth, you ARE crazy - but good on you for starting early!

By the way - how DID I miss those decadent goodies?