Saturday, April 2, 2011

Finally something new here


  Spring colour has started.

click to enlarge

What's new with me.

My left leg and back are still not yet back to normal.  Apparently as I've aged I've managed to develop a touch of arthritis in my sacroiliac joints. I'm on my second dose of anti-inflammatories and I'm not thrilled with the continuing slowness and aches.  At least I can walk from one end of the mall to the other now.

I've had two sessions with a physiotherapist and when I go on Monday I'll be asking for a Do and Don't list of exercises that will work  for me.  I have some strengthening ones already to do at home but I want to get back to class.  I miss the social aspect as well as the work out.

Having spent many an hour on the computer searching Bed and Breakfasts, routes, things to see in do on a drive from here to Savannah Georgia I decided it was just too exhausting to try and organize so I checked airline prices to Victoria BC, emailed my nieces and called their mother, my sister Catherine.    C. and I fly out June 9th and return on the 22nd.  A girls only holiday, something I've wanted to do for years.   Paul and I spent 5 weeks there in 2008 so I'll know my way around their neighbourhood and having been, he doesn't feel slighted at being left at home. 

 I've done some light cleanup in the yard and garden.  I've pulled dusty forgotten books from shelves.  I've finally updated my blog.


Jayne said...

Good idea to get the do's and don't's list and take it easy.
The girls only holiday sounds lovely!

Rootietoot said...

I have SI joint issues. OW! some exercises help enormously, others aggravate enormously. Listen to the dr!
and the holiday sounds lovely:) if you ever decide to do Savannah in the spring, decide at least a year ahead of time, because it's the peak of 'can't find a room' season.

Kathleen said...

There you are! I've missed you. And I know I have been so incredibly neglectful of MY of these days I'll sit and write.
Sorry to hear of your aging problems. I can empathize, and hope you're better soon. A trip out to the west coast sounds like just the ticket. Hope our weather improves by then, it's been a miserable spring so far!